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Rossmoor Camera Club


Rossmoor Camera Club




Website Re- Design

Logo Design

Ongoing Services

Wow, this is an amazing website. I am sure the other camera clubs are going to be jealous. You better prepare for more work to come.

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We need a webmaster

Shortly after I joined the Rossmoor Camera Club, one of the board members reached out to find a new webmaster. Being a webmaster and photographer, I took on the job but under one condition; the website had to be completely overhauled and rebuilt based on the WordPress platform. Everybody agreed and the new Rossmoor Camera Club website was born.

The new RCC website

There is quite a lot that a could be said about the new website, but who wants to read that much on a portfolio page? So we kept it short. The website was primarily designed to showcase the amazing photographs of the club members and stimulate new visitors with photographic ambitions to join the club. The chosen design is minimalistic. The black and white style allows the colorful photographs to stand out without distracting the viewer by other website elements. Information and contact sections are clean and simple.

In contrast to the old website, adding and editing content is now a quick and easy task. Usability and functionality are important aspects of a modern website. Adding new competition portfolio pages is now a matter of minutes. Nobody wants to spend long hours on their website. Websites like the RCC Website are meant to grow constantly and the easier you can add content, the more likely your website will evolve.

Competition sections

Each photo competition is published as a portfolio page, featuring the winning image in the hero banner on top, followed by an information section and a photo gallery. The gallery images open in a lightbox to view the images on full screen. All entries are tagged and categorized to navigate and find the various competition topics easily.

Learning pages

Clubs like the Rossmoor Camera Club want to educate their members to advance their photographic skill set. The learning page is a so-called parent page in a tile layout. Each tile is click-able and links to a child page which provides information about a particular photography category, like landscape photography, macro, portraiture, etc. The individual pages can be easily edited and filled with informative content, like instruction videos or photo tutorials.

A new logo

The Rossmoor Camera Club logo follows a simplistic design approach. Depending on the website visitors viewing preference, the invertible logo stands out in black on white page background or white on black page background.

Happy club, let’s find a pub

The feedback of the club members regarding the new website, was very positive. Actually positive enough to reward me with a couple of Astrodons, Peabody Heights, MD’s IPA and a delicious crab cake sandwich in one of my favorite pubs Full On.

See or join

Click the link above to visit Rossmoor Camera Club and check out their new website. If you are interested in photography, why not browse through the amazing work of the Rossmoor Camera Club members? There are some really stunning images to discover. Or, maybe you will even become a member?

Designed with Love by Christian R. Warta